Thursday, April 7, 2016

Ask Jillian: How Can I Maintain My Weight Through Menopause?

Q: I’m nearly 50 years-old and I lost 25 pounds about a year and a half ago. Then, menopause started with a vengeance and now I'm slowly gaining it back. I change my workouts around constantly so I don't get bored, but I don't have time to spend an hour or more exercising every day. Any suggestions for those of us trying to keep the weight off while going through menopause? — Jody Renzelman

A: Jody, this is a question I get very often. Many women feel that once they go through “the change”, their body is doomed to get flabby and pack on stubborn body fat. While it’s true that our hormones do change as we age, weight gain is by no means a forgone conclusion.

Just look at Madonna, Jane Fonda, Demi Moore and so on. Let me guess, you are probably thinking these over 50 stars are the exception to the rule, correct? They’re unrelatable celebs that have tools you don’t? Not so. In my personal experience working with women in or past menopause, I have been able to take a tremendous amount of weight off them and get them in exceptional shape. Let’s look at Helen Phillips, the winner of season 7 of NBC’s The Biggest Loser. Here was a 48 year-old woman who came to the show “morbidly obese.” When she was done with her BL journey, she had run a marathon and lost the highest percentage of weight in the history of BL up until that point.

I want you to think of your body like a car. When it is well taken care of — given good fuel, regularly serviced and so on it — it can stay in top-notch shape for years and years. However, when you don’t garage the car, rotate the tires, replenish the fluids, or use premium fuel, the car falls apart. Your body is like the car in this analogy. It oxidizes (ages) as time passes and the more you force it to fight the effects of poor diet and lifestyle the faster and more severe the oxidation process will be. Many blame the weight changes their body goes through with age as menopause when it’s really the manifestation of years of neglect.

Here is the good news, you CAN get healthy and turn things around at any point. The answer is simple: healthy diet, exercise, and clean living. While it’s true you can’t continue to burn the candle at both ends like you did when you were younger, you can reclaim your health in every way if you work at it.

Many think that the solution to “their” weight loss dilemma is unique. They say things like “how do I lose the baby weight?” or “How do I lose the weight gained during menopause” as though these supposed reasons require a special solution. The good and bad news is that there is only one answer to weight loss: diet and exercise. Here are a few simple tips to get your body back on track:

1. Count calories.I have said this many times — and I’m certainly not changing my tune now. Remember, no matter who you are or what your circumstance, to lose weight you must burn more calories than you consume. A pound is 3,500 calories so in order to lose two pounds a week you must burn an additional 7,000 calories than you eat. My suggestion is to set your calorie intake at 1,200 a day — with the only exception being that you can eat as many raw, grilled, or steamed green vegetables as you want.

2. Workout. Hard. Exercise releases many anti-aging, fat-burning hormones. And the harder you workout, the better your results will be. Many think that because they’re older they’re fragile and weak. Absolutely not so. In fact, I believe it’s quite the opposite. When I used to have the time to personal train clients, I always noticed that the moms in their 50s were often stronger than their daughters in their 20s. (I have a theory on this, although it’s not science based. I believe that we manifest the mental strength we’ve built over the years to overcome struggles and adversity into our physical strength, enhancing our fitness capabilities.) Obviously talk to your doctor before beginning a fitness regimen and get proper advice on fitness form, etc., but don’t be afraid to push yourself. Lift weights and I don’t mean 2 pounds. Start running, not power walking. Take a kickboxing class. You get the idea.

3. Eliminate chemicals from your life. While it’s true that for your metabolism to function optimally you must balance your hormones, the best way to do this is with clean living. Toxins in our food, water, cosmetics, cleaning products, and so on are filled with chemicals that throw our weight and overall health into a state of havoc. The simple solution is to go natural. Use baking soda or lemon water to clean your counter tops. Use olive oil as a moisturizer instead of the expensive face cream loaded with chemicals. Eat as clean as you can and go organic whenever possible to avoid pesticides, preservatives, hormones, and antibiotics in foods.

While I know this probably isn’t the advice you wanted, it’s the advice that will work for you over time. I’ve found that hormone supplementation is a dangerous thing. Studies have linked it to different types of cancers, stroke, blood clots, gallstones, dementia and the list goes on. You should do your own research, too. In my experience, the natural solution is always the right one.

Have a motivation, fitness, or health question for Jillian? Ask here and check back in two weeks for her next "Ask Jillian" column.

Weight Loss from Cutting Calories Less than Expected

The long-held belief that cutting 3,500 calories will result in a pound of weight loss may be incorrect, new research shows.

Common rules of thumb exaggerate how much weight people will lose from a given dietary calorie reduction, leading to unrealistic expectations and disappointment, researchers said.

Whereas patients are often told that cutting 500 calories a day will let them lose a pound a week, a more realistic formula is that such a caloric reduction would lead to a 50-pound loss over three or more years, according to Kevin D. Hall, PhD, of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases in Bethesda, Md., and colleagues.

Even then, they explained in the Aug. 27 issue of The Lancet — a special edition devoted to obesity — such weight loss is possible only if the calorie reduction is actually maintained over that time.

The standard rules — endorsed by the National Institutes of Health and the American Dietetic Association, among others — fail to consider that human metabolism responds dynamically to changes in diet and body composition, Hall and colleagues asserted.

"This ubiquitous weight-loss rule (also known as the 3,500 [calorie]-per-pound rule) was derived by estimation of the energy content of weight lost, but it ignores dynamic physiological adaptations to altered body weight that lead to changes of both the resting metabolic rate as well as the energy cost of physical activity," the researchers wrote.

When people gain weight, their baseline energy needs increase, to keep the extra tissue alive and to move it around. Likewise, when weight is lost, their baseline needs decrease.

So when people cut calories below the baseline requirement — thereby triggering weight loss — the gap between their intake and their baseline energy needs begins to shrink. At some point, it may disappear altogether, at which point weight loss stops.

Hall and colleagues put together what they said was a better model of caloric intake and resultant weight loss, incorporating feedback mechanisms to reflect metabolic changes over time in response to diet and body weight.

It indicated that weight change in response to caloric restriction occurs over a relatively long period of time.

Each reduction of 100 kilojoules daily — 24 calories — in intake eventually leads to a loss of 1 kg (2.2 lbs) in body weight, the researchers determined. But only half that loss occurs in the first year. In three years, 95% of the ultimate loss will be realized.

On the flip side, using data from previous studies, Hall and colleagues said their calculations suggest that the U.S. population has a persistent excess energy intake of 30 kilojoules (7.2 calories) per day, explaining the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity.

For the population to return to body mass index values that prevailed in the 1970s, average diets would need to shrink by about 220 calories per day.

The researchers pointed out that these figures are averages for the adult population. Individuals' metabolic requirements for sustaining a given body mass vary substantially.

Consequently, "a given diet results in an uncertain degree of energy deficit," Hall and colleagues wrote.

The findings have important implications for policy, the researchers argued.

For example, they pointed to a 2010 policy paper from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which included an estimate that a 20% tax on sugar-sweetened drinks would reduce average energy intake by 40 calories.

Using the standard 3,500 calorie-per-pound rule, the paper indicated that an average weight loss of about 1.8 kg (4 lbs.) per year could be expected — "incorrectly," Hall and colleagues contended.

Their model shows that it would actually take five years to achieve that level of average weight loss.

"We suggest that unrealistic weight loss expectations obtained by erroneous use of the static dieting rule should be replaced by our methods to assess other population-wide and more targeted obesity prevention interventions," the researchers wrote.

They also pointed out that, in evaluating interventions, the model can also take account of physical activity and its effects on body weight and metabolism.

On the other hand, a limitation is that "it assumes perfect adherence to the intervention" and also doesn't automatically include increases in food intake that may accompany the start of an exercise program.

The problem, of course, is that adherence is usually anything but perfect. Moreover, it can be compounded by the long lag between changes in diet and changes in body weight, according to Hall and colleagues.

One manifestation is that patients lose weight while on a program and continue to do so — for a time — after they revert to their former lifestyle.

"The dieter might then incorrectly infer that adherence is not essential for continuing weight loss when, in fact, impending weight regain has already been set in motion," the researchers indicated.

Top 10 Health Tips For Easy Weight Loss

At any given moment, millions of people in this country are on a diet. From Weight Watchers to the South Beach Diet to the newest diet pill, folks are trying anything and everything in an effort to write their own weight loss success story. Unfortunately for those seeking fast weight loss, the vast majority of weight loss programs on the market today simply do not work.
Diet plans and diet products that offer quick weight loss without exercise are especially prone to failure. "In fact, nearly 95 percent of those who go on low calorie diets regain their lost weight, plus some, within five years. Not a resounding endorsement for low calorie dieting" (Source: Performance Press; April 2006).
That's not to say that all the weight loss tips and diet tips are without merit, however. Tips on losing weight can have a powerful effect when they're combined with regular exercise. That's why we've created this list of the top 10 health tips for easy weight loss.
Is weight loss easy? Not usually, and the reason is that most people try to make huge changes all at once. Pumped up with commitment and willpower, they jump into the latest weight loss product or diet program with both feet. They make too many changes in too short a time period. Drastic lifestyle modifications are rarely sustainable, and all too often lead to failure. If you've been living on junk food for years, trying to switch to a healthy diet overnight will only make you feel frustrated and deprived.
A much better approach is to make small changes that you can stick with for life. So check out the sound advice you'll find in our top ten list, and you'll get the weight loss information you need for success.
** 1) Our first bit of health advice is to skip the super size option. In this tip we've assumed that you visit McDonald's once per week. That may a low average for some of you, so keep in mind that if you're eating fast food more than once per week the results you'll achieve by following this tip will be even greater than the example shows. We're not asking you to give up fast food completely (small, sustainable changes, remember?). Instead, we're asking you to say no to the SuperSize portion. Just by ordering a ‘regular' McDonald's meal instead of the SuperSize option, you will lose almost 6 pounds of fat this year! Want even more good news? This example only factors in the french fries. Add in the calorie savings you'll get by drinking a regular soda vs. a SuperSize soda and the results are truly amazing.
** 2) The second recommendation in this fitness advice guide is to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals per day. "Eating small meals causes a lower blood sugar response than large meals. A high blood sugar response provides you with quick energy, but it is associated with a large insulin release that tends to cause a blood sugar ‘crash' soon thereafter. Many small meals taken throughout the day will normalize blood sugar and insulin levels, providing a sustained and consistent energy supply to the cells. A meal every three hours or so is recommended." (source: Fitness, The Complete Guide; 2001; page 8.4)
A note of caution here, however: This health tip does not mean that you eat 6 big meals per day. Instead, you should take the amount of food you'd normally consume and spread it out over six meals instead of the usual three. For someone on a 2,000 calorie per day diet, that would translate into 333 calories per meal x 6 meals.
** 3) The next tidbit of expert advice is to know the numbers. Everyone on a weight loss plan should know, at a minimum, how many calories they should be consuming every day. This number is known as your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), also commonly referred to as the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) or simply the Burn Rate. Although your doctor can help you calculate your BMR most accurately, there are some resources that can assist you in estimating your number.
Your BMR is your ‘calorie target', assuming that you wish to maintain your current size and weight. For the best fat loss results, cut calorie consumption moderately.....say, 500 below your caloric target.
If you're seeking fat loss, then it's important to also understand that body fat percentage is one of the most important measurements of fitness. All the medical advice agrees that reaching your ideal body weight is best achieved through permanent fat loss (as opposed to muscle loss). With this in mind, this health tip for easy weight loss is to know your BMR and your body fat percentage, along with the corresponding goals.
** 4) It's good advice to know the difference between cheat food and junk food. Cheat foods are those foods that don't belong in your everyday diet, but still have some redeeming qualities. Junk foods are those foods that don't belong in your diet at all, ever.

This tip is really a critical one: Understand the difference between ‘cheat' foods and ‘junk' foods. Cheat foods have some nutritional value, so although we shouldn't eat them every day it's not the end of the world if we enjoy them from time to time. Junk foods, on the other hand, give us absolutely no benefit whatsoever. Again, we want you to make small changes that you can stick with for life. You don't have to give up the occasional ‘cheat food' treat - just try to eliminate all the ‘junk food'.
For example, compare a slice of Pizza Hut pepperoni pizza with a Hershey's chocolate bar. Neither are what you'd consider healthy, and both have roughly the same number of calories. But with the pizza, at least you're getting some nutritional value because that delicious slice contains 11 grams of protein compared to just 3 grams in the candy bar. Cheat foods are not health foods, but at least they're not junk foods. Choose wisely.
** 5) When you're trying to lose weight fast, some sound advice is to chart your progress. What gets measured gets done, so charting your fat loss progress is a simple step that will help you get motivated and stay motivated. Create a chart for each challenge you face, whether it be working out or dietary habits. The important thing to remember is that there is no right or wrong way to chart your progress - what works for you may not work for anyone else. So come up with your own system, create a tracking chart, and post it where you will see it several times each day.
** 6) Do not decrease your caloric intake far below what is required of your BMR, or you risk forcing your body into starvation mode. "Do not under-eat by too much. If you consistently eat way too little, your body will start to think it's in a starvation state and for the initial period, weight loss and fat loss may become harder than anticipated. After a while of severe underfeeding, instead of preferentially burning fat for energy, your hard-earned muscle will be burned for energy" (source: Fitness Rx; February 2004; page 93). So if healthy weight loss is your goal, and you only want to burn fat while you preserve your valuable muscle, then take great care to not starve yourself.
** 7) Don't shop when you're hungry. Shopping when you're hungry is asking for double-trouble, and eliminating this bad habit will help you lose fat by removing temptation from your home. Shopping while full greatly reduces your chances of impulsively buying sweets and treats. This allows you to shop with your brain and not your stomach. Skipping all the extra fattening foods will make one thing fatter, however.....your wallet.
** 8) Take (at least) 20 minutes to eat. Once you start eating, it takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that you're full. The problem is, many of us eat so quickly that by the time our stomach has had the chance to send that message we've already put down more calories than we needed.
Here are a few ways to solve this problem: a) Drink a large (8 or 12 oz.) glass of water 20 minutes before each meal. b) Physically put your fork down between each bite. c) Enjoy your family. Have a discussion that stretches out the length of the meal. d) Serve the meal in courses, starting with a large salad.
** 9) Have a treat once a week. If you deprive yourself of all treats, then you're just setting yourself up for failure. "Being too stringent on a diet can beget a downfall. To prevent this, once a week, for one meal, have your favorite foods" (source: Fitness Rx; February 2004; page 96).
One of the major reasons people fail in their fat loss efforts is that they adopt the all-or-none mentality. When the attempts to stay away from all treats fail, it's easy to think ‘Oh well, I've already blown my diet. Might as well eat another slice'. Planning a weekly treat will help curb those cravings, making a binge less likely.
** 10) Be inefficient. Make extra work for yourself. Take two trips to bring in all the groceries from the car, even if you can do it in one. When running errands, park as far away from each business as possible. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, even if you're carrying something. In short, be inefficient. "Being inefficient in this way can easily double your activity level and you'll be burning calories without even trying" (source: Fitness Rx; February 2004; page 96).
Remember that walking burns about 108 calories in 30 minutes. Small walks count too. Even if you don't have time to walk 30 minutes in one session each day, shorter walks that add up to 30 minutes will still burn that same 108 calories.
If you're looking for the best weight loss program available, give these health tips a try. With a little effort, you may just put that weight issue to rest once and for all.

Weight Loss Supplement

With so many healthy diet pills on the market today, it's hard to figure out which fat burners and appetite suppressants are truly the best ones out there which ones really work fast and which supplements really don't work. Here at intouchreviews, we have done extensive research and comparisons to find what we feel are the best weight loss pills available over the counter that can help you burn stubborn belly fat fast and get in the best shape of your life.

Our featured supplements you will find the complete list of our in-depth reviews on all of the top fat burners, appetite suppressants and metabolism boosters on the market today to help both men and women get rid of stubborn belly fat once and for all. Whether you have just started out on a weight loss journey or are a seasoned fitness competitor, you're probably already familiar with the complexity of the fat loss supplement industry and how complicated it can be to find an over the counter product that a lives up its advertizing claims and suits your specific needs.

There are several different classifications of diet pills that you can buy, ranging from fat burners to appetite suppressants and all the way to fat blockers. But overall, the common ground of fat loss supplements is to help you get rid of the excess fat on your body and ultimately get lean.

In this guide, we'll cover every aspect of weight loss supplements and give you all the information you need to make a well-informed buying decision. Let's face it; diet or exercise alone will not give you the ultimate advantage when it comes to targeting belly fat.

But it must be understood that weight loss and fat burning supplements are not intended to be the sole means by which to transform your physique either. Supplements are just that; something that works great as catalysts when used along with a proper exercise.

These are just some of the main benefits that you can receive from taking diet supplements. In the next section, we'll cover the basic types of fat loss supplements and the benefits of each. Weight loss supplements come in many different varieties, each helping you to achieve specific goal. Choosing which product is best for you all depend on where exactly you need help.

If you have the most trouble controlling your appetite and dealing with hunger pangs, an appetite suppressant may be best for you. On the other hand, if you are someone who has a slow metabolism and find yourself sluggish and fatigued while dieting; fat burners may be the right choice for you. When it comes to diet supplements one thing is for sure; there's nothing more popular than the almighty fat burner for shedding belly fat and finally exposing those sexy six pack abs.

Prescription diet pills online are always the top selling products on the market and are usually comprised of a combination of metabolism boosters along with agents that are intended to help to control your appetite. Fat burners work mainly through the use of stimulants, which may help to boost metabolism and further ignite the fat burning process.

For more information visit the site .

How Much Green Tea to Lose Weight

If you're from the southern part of the United States, you know that sweet tea is a staple. Though most teas have beneficial nutrients to help fight disease, green tea is known for its many therapeutic benefits. Studies have shown that green tea's active component called "epigallocatechin gallate" or EGCG to be very beneficial in treating cancers of the brain, prostate, cervix, and bladder. This magical antioxidant has also proven therapeutic for diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, sjogren's syndrome, endometriosis, spinal muscular atrophy, neurodegeneration, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It can even help with weight loss.

Research has shown that ECGC may:

increase metabolism and fat oxidation
inhibit fat cell development
increase the excretion of fat
Now you're probably wondering how much green tea you should drink in order to get enough ECGC to lose weight. Below you will find the benefits for one, two, and three cups of green tea per day.

How much green tea to lose weight depends on your goals.
How much green tea to lose weight depends on your goals. | Source
One Cup of Green Tea to Lose Weight

Drop a pound of body fat! Replace just one cup of your favorite non-fat latte or soft drink with a cup of green tea, and you can save at least 150 calories per day. Because green tea is virtually calorie free, you will lose about a pound in six months according to researchers at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

BONUS: Better Insulin Control

According to a study in The Journal of American College Nutrition, just one cup of green tea can help stabilize high blood sugar levels when combined with exercise three days per week. By improving your insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, your body will use energy much more efficiently. This will help you slim down or maintain a healthy weight.

Boost your metabolism! Two cups of green tea provides optimal dosages of important minerals like manganese, selenium, chromium, and zinc. However, it has also been proven to prolong norepinephrine, the fat burning accelerating hormone.

Boost your motivation to workout! Green tea also contains theanine, an amino acid, which has been shown to boost alertness. Unlike caffeine, theanine doesn't cause the jitters. Theanine can also help increase your brain's dopamine and serotonin levels. These neurotransmitters help the body and brain with correct behavior, cognition, memory, learning, motivation, mood, appetite, and sleep, They also help with voluntary movement which can keep your mind positively on your muscles.

BONUS: Heart Disease Prevention

Scientific studies have shown that just 30 minutes after drinking two cups of green tea, the endothelia cells that line your circulatory system dilate. In turn, your arteries and veins relax which allows proper blood flow and nutrient assimilation. Endothelial dysfunction can be reversed with drinking just two cups of green tea per day.

Be Cautious

Green tea is likely to be safe for most adults. However, more than five cups per day can cause a variety of symptoms such as mild to serious headaches, nervousness, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, tremors, heartburn, dizziness, ringing in the ears, convulsions, and confusion. This is possibly due to high caffeine intake. Green tea can also cause upset stomach and constipation in lower doses. It may also have interactions with certain prescription medications. Be sure to consult with your doctor before adding green tea to your daily diet if you are on any medications or are pregnant or lactating.
Now that you know the many benefits of green tea, will you add it to your daily regimen?

18 Ways To Lose Weight With Out Going On A Diet

If your goal is to lose one pound of body weight a week you must eat 500 fewer calories a day than you were before. And no you don't have to go on a diet to do this. You can do it by changing your eating habits along with a few other things you can do. I was never successful with losing weight and keeping it off until I accepted that for weight loss to work long term that I must change my day to day eating habits.

If I Can Lose 67 Pounds So Can You

All my life or really the first fourty eight years of it I suffered from being overweight. ( 90 - 130 Pounds ). Then I was diagnosed as a diabetic and I was told I was doing serious damage to my heart. I started changing my eating habits and today I'm a lot healthier and 67 pounds less than I used to be. You can do the same thing.
1. Instead of having a big glass of orange juice for breakfast have a large orange for breakfast. You'll be saving about 50 calories this way. Try your orange chilled for a treat you'll find yourself enjoying. Tangerines have even fewer calories so you can have about three of those.
2. If you want an omelet for breakfast make it from four egg whites instead of four large eggs. If you want to and to make the omelet stay together better add 1/4 cup of egg substitute to the egg whites when you beat them. Instead of regular bacon use the same amount of fine chopped Canadian Bacon.
3. If your family and you are still using whole milk switch to 2 percent low fat milk. You won't believe the huge amount of calories this is going to save you over a years time. It's little things like this that can help you to lose weight and keep it off.
4. Instead of sugar use a sugar substitute in place of the sugar on your breakfast cereal and in your morning coffee. You can start usingSplenda in cooking and baking and once again you'll be cutting back on calories and losing weight. If you check out that link there you'll find out how to make powdered Splenda.
5. Use regular yellow mustard in place of mayonnaise on your sandwiches. You'll save as much as 100 calories each time you do this. This doesn't mean never to eat mayonnaise again it just means to do it as often as you can.
6. The next time you go to McDonald's have a plain 99 cent hamburger and small fries instead of the Big Mac and large fries and you will save around 600 calories each time you do this.
7. At snack time instead of going for the potato chips or candy bar go for a banana or an apple or both and you will save anywhere from 300 to 600 calories.Plus you have the added benefit of the fiber.
8. Stop drinking regular sodas or regular sweetened ice tea. Drink diet drinks instead of the regular sodas and add a sugar substitute to unsweetened tea or learn to drink unsweetened ice tea.
9. Break your meals up into six smaller meals a day and you'll eat less and be full longer. Just be sure not to overdo it with the amount eaten at any of your six smaller meals. These six meals are supposed to be small meals. And where you can add lots of fresh fruit and vegetables to these meals.If you eat smaller high protein meals your blood sugar will be more stable throughout the day and you will be a lot less hungry and likely to overeat.
10. Don't skip breakfast. If you start off the day with a high protein low carbohydrate breakfast you will be less hungry all through out the rest of the day. Add fresh fruit to your breakfast. The more fiber you can add the better off you will be and you won't be hungry later in the day.
11. You should get in the habit of eating dried fruits, fresh fruits, cut up vegetables and yogurt for snacks in place of potato chips or candy bars. A fresh crisp apple is much better for you than any candy bar you have ever ate. A can of peaches in their natural juices with a teaspoon of peanut butter is a great alternative snack to have and its healthy for you to.
12. Start to eat whole grains bread instead of white bread. Eat brown rice instead of white rice. Steam your vegetables and fish when ever you can. Change your eating habits over to healthy eating habits and you'll never have to go on a diet.
13. You can use vegetable, chicken, or beef broth to sauté your vegetables in instead of butter and it will be much healthier for you and in time you will lose weight and grow healthier from doing this.
14. Instead of butter or margarine have low fat sour creme or yogurt in your baked potatoes. If you use salt use ground sea salt in place of table salt. The sea salt is packed with nutrients that are good for you.
15. For your salads try making a delicious salad dressing from fine ground peeled cucumbers, plain yogurt, salt and pepper. It tastes great and is much healthier than regular salad dressing.
16. Eat your pasta with marinara sauce instead of other pasta sauces. And make your own marinara sauce from fresh tomatoes and other vegetables and you'll be eating healthier and I bet you'll love the taste.
17. Start to walk and swim. If there is a club in your area that has a pool join it. Walking and swimming are low impact exercises where you are a lot less likely to get hurt. You can walk yourself thin if you will stick to it. Playing in the water and swimming is also a great way to exercise.
18. Learn sensible eating habits. Eating more fresh vegetables and fruit is the best way to do this. Also you need to educate yourself like learning to read food labels. Don't let extra sugar sneak into your life. Keep the sugars you eat to a minimum.
Some of these ways to lose weight may seem really hard to do. Try a few things at a time and gradually work up to using all the weight loss ideals. The only way that your going to lose weight and keep it off long term is to change your eating habits. And as soon as you can you need to add in exercise. You really can walk yourself thin.
And as hard as it may be to believe you really can walk yourself thin. Start walking even if you can only walk a short distance to start. Just try adding a few more feet each day. Try walking with a partner and you'll be able to use each other for support. When I first started I had a real problem with walking even a few steps. I now walk 2 miles five days a week. I never thought I would be able to do this. I do it on a level walking track and I bought myself a good pair of walking shoes. You need to buy yourself a good pair of walking shoes.
Try out new things like grilled chicken thighs, steamed fish and steamed vegetables. Start right now with changing your eating habits. Before you know it you'll discover you like the new you. Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to ask. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have. So be sure to let me hear from you.
Let me hear from you with your comments or questions and thanks for reading my Hub Page on 18 

15 Foods For Fast Belly Fat Burning!

Losing weight is hard enough. Losing stubborn belly fat can be even more difficult. The best thing that you can do to be successful at it is avoid falling into certain traps that are only going to cost you valuable time and money.

Short-Term Diets:

One of the biggest traps you can fall into is going on short-term diets to lose belly fat. They might help you to temporarily lose weight, but diet pills and "juicing" usually cause weight gain in the long run. Not only that, but they tend to make you lose water weight and some muscle mass, not just fat.

The Protein Pros:

There are many foods that can actually help your body to burn fat and they can do that in a number of ways. For example, eggs, chicken and lima beans are all good protein sources. Protein builds strong muscles and, since muscle cells burn calories more efficiently than fat cells, that can lead to better fat burning.

Protein sources, such as salmon, are also good because they are more difficult for your body to process. That means that the processing takes more time and burns off more calories. Meanwhile, you will stay full feeling for a longer period of time than you might when you eat other foods.

Some Fiber Foods:

Fiber is another great thing for your body. Fiber regulates your digestive system. Also, like protein, fiber fills you up. Some great examples of fiber-filled foods include green beans, Brussels sprouts and tangerines. Also, other fruits and vegetables can be great sources of both fiber and vitamins and minerals. Some of them include:

• Oranges

• Apricots

• Strawberries

• Raspberries

• Watermelons

Whole grain breads can also be great sources of fiber. So can whole grain pastas and cereals. So, you may want to add some of them to your daily diet.

Metabolism Boosters:

Then there are those foods that boost your metabolic rate. The metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns calories for either fuel to perform tasks or heat. Certain foods produce a heat-making reaction and get your metabolism really pumping. Radishes and peppers are among those foods.

Stay Healthy:

Those are 15 foods for fast belly fat burning. However, they can only do their jobs if you stay generally healthy. So, be sure that you drink plenty of water and get plenty of exercise each day. Also, above all else, limit or completely avoid junk foods. That's the best way to burn stubborn belly fat quickly.

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3 Easy Steps to Fast and Lasting Weight Loss

3 Steps To Lose Weight That Will Last

When it comes to losing weight there are no magic pills or secret diets that can help you reach your weight loss goals. But you can achieve your goals with these 3 steps to help lose weight.

Like most things in life losing weight (a lot of weight) boils down to conscious effort, discipline, determination and perseverance.

Losing 10, 20, 50 or 100 pounds or more all comes back to what you do on a daily basis. If you do what you're supposed to do (eat right + exercise) day in a day out you will eventually lose all the weight you want.

However, if you throw caution to the wind and don't do what you're supposed to do then you may never see your weight loss dreams come true. This my friend is the saddest scenario there is.

If you're bored of being fat, if your tired of being overweight, if your ready to start your new life today then hold on because I am about to give you the simple yet extremely effective weight loss plan you've been waiting for.

Are you ready? I am going to tell you in no uncertain terms what you have to do to lose all the weight you want in 3 easy to do steps. However, in order for this to work you must maintain your focus and discipline everyday to keep doing the steps until you reach your desired results.

Even if you falter and veer off your weight loss track, it's OK. If you are able to quickly get back on track you will overtime, reap the benefits of dramatic weight loss and improved health.

And now, without further adieu here are your 3 basic steps to weight loss...




There they are. What do you think? A little anti-climatic, huh? Maybe you were expecting more... Well, let me tell you if you are able to grasp and implement this powerfully safe and effective weight loss plan is you will never again have to spend another unnecessary dime on weight loss products that don't work.

You see, your body is a fine tuned weight loss management machine. If you follow the right plan and give your body only what it needs to survive it will do all the hard work for you.

Given enough time and following the 3 steps above you can lose tens and even hundreds of pounds without starving yourself or resorting to bogus weight loss pills or dangerous body sculpting surgeries.

Now, this is not to say that the road to significant weight loss will be easy or that you will not have to suffer a bit to reach your desired results. There will be days when you feel like throwing in the towel and giving up.

On those days you might just cave into your undeniable cravings and go crazy at your local all you can eat artery clogging buffet. But hey,that's OK. You're human. Sometimes you have to go a little nuts to get back on track.

However, if you are truly committed to reaching even your most seemingly unattainable weight loss goals you can and will do it by following the plan above. Now, for your benefit let's go a little deeper into each step of the plan.


There is really no doubt about it. If you want to lose weight you have to start eating less. You have to create a calorie deficiency in order for you body to start shedding pounds.

If you do not begin to limit how much food you take in no amount of exercise will help you reach your goals. Eating less of your favorite greasy, fat filled foods will be the quickest way to dramatic weight loss.

It really doesn't matter how much weight you have to lose. Unless you take control of both your conscious and unconscious eating habits you'll be hard pressed to lose even one pound.

No, you have to start cutting back on the amount of food you are used to eating. I've heard of stories where people would go to Mc Donald's and pack away two Super Sized Big Mac Meals.

Obviously, this is way too much. In this situation even cutting down to one Super Size meal would be an improvement. But, as we will see in our next step, a better plan would be to do away with the Super Size meal all-together and start eating better.


As the saying goes, "We are what we eat." If we eat crap, guess what? However, if we learn to eat well then not only will our waistline thank us for it but we'll also feel better about ourselves to boot.

One of the quickest changes you can make to your diet when trying to lose weight is to ditch all the junk food you may be used to eating (chips, sodas, pizzas, donuts, cookies, etc) and start eating more vegetables.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. You may still be traumatized by your mother not letting you get up from the dinner table until you finished all your broccoli but let me tell you, your mother was right.

If you can fill half your plate at every meal with high fiber and nutrient packed vegetables you are well on your way to significant and long lasting weight loss. This is probably one of the simplest things you can do to really kickstart your weight loss journey.

While it might not be easy to start eating vegetables at every meal the sooner you begin the better off you'll be and the quicker the weight will start to melt off your body.


In order to kick your weight loss adventure into high gear you have to get your body moving. I don't care if you call it working out, exercising, aerobics or whatever the point is you have to do something to get your heart rate up and your sweat glands working overtime.

Exercise is the key to sustainable, long lasting and real weight loss. For every pound you lose by eating right and exercising that is one more pound that will never come back to haunt you.

Why? Because you now know the "secret" to safe and effective weight loss. If you ever feel yourself creeping back up on the dreaded scale o' fat all you have to do is put these 3 steps into action and watch as you stabilize and contradict any unwanted weight gain.

By exercising on a regular basis you are giving your body the energy boost it needs to ramp up your metabolism rate to start efficiently and effectively losing weight on a daily basis. I don't about you but that sounds pretty darn good to me.

The more you push yourself physically the faster you will see change in your body occur. You may not have to work out with a personal trainer everyday but you do need to do something.

Be it going for a walk, running, swimming, biking, hiking, or any other physical activity you like to do start doing it now. Don't spend another night on the couch watching the latest re-runs. Get your body moving and start losing weight today.


Losing weight (even a lot of weight) is not rocket science. So rest assured that anyone can do it, even you. However, it will require all the patience, discipline, determination and perseverance you can muster.

Start slow. Take it one day at a time. You may not reach your ideal weight in one week, one month or even one year but stick with it and reach it you will. By following the 3 steps above you too can become a success story like so many other before you.

So go forth and start losing all that unwanted weight that years of undisciplined living have left behind. Take control of your life starting today. Soon you'll be glad you did. When that day comes there will be no looking back.